These three words are the best way to describe a start-up like MyMuesli.
Of course, one expects one‘s printing partner to offer innovative solutions which
will also break new ground.
The result of this collaboration between two companies, mymuesli and labelprint24,
where the start-up spirit is virtually anchored in its genes, is presented in this case study:
Mass Customization of individual cereal boxes.
If you also need individually printed packaging, Labelprint24 is the right place for you. Feel free to contact us personally or
calculate your printed packaging online.

mymuesli went online in April 2007, making it the world‘s first provider of custom cereal mixes. The Passau-based company, which sells muesli via the Internet, in 50 of its own shops, and in over 1500 supermarkets, employs around 800 people.
Its innovative business model mirrors the current trend towards increased individualisation of products. The company uses the concept of Mass Customization to make its individual muesli mixtures.
MyMuesli has revolutionised the muesli market and offers an unimaginable 566 billion possible muesli mixes on its website.

Labelprint24 is an experienced solution provider for Mass Customization of packaging printing.
The provider for packaging materials offers services ranging from consulting and project planning to in-house manufacture of fully personalised products.
With its own IT department, labelprint24 is able to connect to interfaces with customer ERP and production systems and also deliver complete, individual shop systems to its customers.
mymuesli wants the customer not only to be able to freely choose the content of their individual muesli, but should also personalise the muesli box. In other words, complete individualisation.
During the online ordering process, after customers create their personal muesli, they can give their blend a name and select a personal design for the box.
The result: 100% personalised muesli.

Providing a high-quality print job for several thousand personalised cereal boxes each day was the central task of this project.
The difficulty was finding a way to automate the entire process of producing the personalized boxes, from the customer interface to the digital printing press.
In detail, solutions had to be found to cover the entire production chain from print data generation through automated workflows and shipping.
The solution from labelprint24: the boxes would not be individualised on the production line at mymuesli, but instead at labelprint24‘s own digital printing plant.
The individualised cereallabelswith customer-specific data are printed within a few hours, refined, and then delivered the next day as a label roll to the mymuesli production line in Passau.

"Since 2007, customers have been able to order custom muesli mixes from us.
But previously, we were unable to individualise the mymuesli boxes,
even though it has long been our dream.
Thanks to the support from Harder-Online, this dream has now come true
and together we have put the idea on the road.
Harder-Online has supported us as our printing partner for this project
and we are very happy with the results."
An additional challenge for digital printing was that the variable data (text and images) also contains metallicised effects. This task was also solved by the digital printing specialist labelprint24.

„The successful partnership between labelprint24 and mymuesli shows
that custom solutions are the key to our business success.
We see the Mass Customisation of packaging as a huge opportunity
in the printing business and we are in a position to produce highly complex
and refined products from the very first print.
When it comes to digitalisation and personalisation of printed matter,
labelprint24 is clearly ahead of its competitors. This solution is a real-time customisation
that fits perfectly with our philosophy and enriches our business model.“
Images from
mymuesli / Victor Strasse
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